Mustard in Numbers
Gosh, things have got pretty exciting around here, we’re all celebrating our Instagram account reaching 100k! Yes, that’s one hundred thousand followers, that’s kinda a big deal if we may say so ourselves. When we first launched this business we weren’t sure if anyone would really ‘get’ our love for lockers, turns out we didn’t need to worry! Our Instagram account is the place most people discover us so it really does mean a lot to have such a beautiful community cheering us on. *hey everyone!*
We’re taking a moment to reflect on some of the numbers behind our colourful brand. Some you may know, some you may not! Let’s take a look…
locker lovers following our journey on instagram
It’s a big milestone to have gathered one hundred thousand followers on Instagram but what we love most is the connections we’ve built. We’ve chatted with our customers, made business buds, collaborated with other gorgeous small businesses and shared our story along the way. Instagram has given momentum to our growth that has exceeded our expectations in all the right ways. We still get all nervously excited when we see someone has shared a beautiful photo of our lockers, it’s honestly such a good feeling seeing what we created out in the world.
So yay! We’re giving ourselves a little pat on the back (move over Imposter Syndrome, we’re celebrating this one!) because it has been a lot of work, lessons learnt and sore thumbs from over-use of our phones!! We’ve always followed our instincts and tried to create content that our audience will connect with and give them good vibes. Life certainly hasn’t been all roses for anyone in the world lately but having our community just a scroll away has brought us so much joy.
donated to Beam to support people experiencing homelessness back into the workforce*
Beam is the kind of organisation that really makes a lasting impact on people's lives at really pivotal times. They bridge the gap between homelessness and a sustainable income for people who need some support. Through our donations 533 people’s campaigns have been funded, they’ve gone on to complete training in their chosen field, start new careers, find secure homes and move their lives in the direction they want to go.
Donating to Beam is one of the most fulfilling parts of our journey. Being able to link our growth with something that deeply matters to us has given a whole new level of drive for us both. The more sales, the more we donate. Our win is Beam’s win.
*total at September 2021, there will be lots more to come!
amazing, dedicated, absolutely lovely members of Team Mustard
It started with just Jess and me, we did every little thing in the business. Over the three and a half years since we launched, we’ve grown our team one (sometimes two) at a time. It’s no exaggeration to say, we have the BEST team around us now. I honestly can’t imagine life without them all! Knowing that our customers are being looked after by a team who genuinely cares means so much to us and we feel lucky to have found such a great bunch of people to welcome into the Mustard family.
A special mention to Marc and Jono! In the last year, both our partners have come on board to work at Mustard full time. It certainly wasn’t something we planned when we started but it just felt so right! We’ve taken the ‘family business’ to the next level!
Fun fact: we have 14 kids between the team!
absolutely beautiful colours in our rainbow
We launched in Australia in February 2018 with six colours: Blush, Mustard, Navy, Olive, Slate and White. It took us a long time to decide and get them just right (we are perfectionists when it comes to colour!) Then in June 2019 we expanded our range by adding Berry and Ocean, two fresh tones which fit perfectly into our existing lineup. Along came Sage in October 2020 - a little later than planned due to a global pandemic! Then finally the lovely Lilac earlier in 2021. Our rainbow is looking pretty beautiful, if we do say so ourselves!
We love that there are now so many different ways to combine our lockers. Pick your favourite locker combination with a lineup of Skinnys or a pair of Shorties.
locker sizes in our range
(6 if you include The Shorty to the Left!)

The Skinny, The Shorty, The Lowdown, The Midi and The Twinny - our little locker family! We put so much thought and consideration into each product we have brought into the world to make sure that they are versatile enough to stand the test of time - we want them to be in your homes for life!
And we didn’t just stop at lockers, we have accessories too! There’s The Baskets, The Hangers, and our super special first-ever product collaboration, Wordbits alphabet magnets. All our accessories are the perfect companions to our lockers.
You can shop our full family of products and find the perfect fit for your space.
warehouse locations around the world
UK/EU, Australia + the US!

Ooooo, this is a biggie! Three locations across the globe, how crazy is that? First Australia, then the UK and most recently America. It has taken some trial and error when it comes to warehouses and finding the right teams to work with us but we’re pretty darn happy with the people we have found to get your lockers to you. They understand us, our business and our huuuge products! We are so grateful to have them!
Since starting the business, the USA was a huge goal of ours so getting there last month is such a huge milestone ticked off the list. It doesn’t really get much bigger! If you have any friends or family across the pond, we’d love for you to tell them all about us.mustardmade.com while we’re just finding our feet! Exciting times ahead!
Read more about our launch in America and how we made it happen even with a pandemic throwing us curveballs!
sisters first
The best bit about Mustard is that we get to do it together! 2 is the number that started it all. We’ve lived on opposite sides of the world for nearly a decade now and thanks to this business of ours, we are closer than ever and talk every day! As sisters, there’s a deep level of trust and understanding that underpins Mustard. It makes (almost) everything a lot easier because we can cut straight to the point, say how we really feel and we know each other inside and out!
Fun fact: when we were kids our nicknames for each other were Jessie Wee Wee and Becca Poo Poo. Can’t for the life of me remember why but it stuck!
awesome, crazy, exceeded-all-our-expectations, wouldn’t-change-it-for-the-world, locker business!
We love Mustard. It has consumed our every day for the last three and a half years but we would totally go back and do it all over again. Sure, we have learned some big, hard lessons along the way but every decision, every person, every issue, unexpected situation and change of plan we have encountered has got us to where we are. And where we are… is pretty great.
So, one hundred thousand THANK YOUS to each and every one of you. Whether you have a locker sitting pretty in your home or you have followed along on our journey on Instagram, we seriously have every single one of you to thank for where Mustard is today. It’s only gonna get better from here on in!