The Design Files - how to launch a small business
The truth is, I also felt a moment of panic, the imposter syndrome kick in, the 'what if I'm found out' moment. It may or may not surprise you to know that I have screwed a lot of things up with Mustard already, there are things I'd already like to go back and redo. It may or may not surprise you that every day I google some new question like "how do I add multiple links on instagram" (hello linktr.ee) or "best inventory management systems for small Australian business selling lockers??!!" It may or may not surprise you that Mustard is not fixed, it does not have all it's parts fully functioning as we hope they one day will, it is malleable and ever-changing.
We often refer to Mustard as 'our baby' and it really is the truth. It's a small and fragile living thing that is growing every single day and we are there nurturing it, doing our best to give it a solid start in life.
The feature on The Design Files is a highlight for so many reasons as a business but also me personally. When I first moved to Australia over 6 years ago I would read it every single day, soaking in all the creativity that it has on show. It was part of why I fell in love with Australia and having come from a conceptual art background to not really knowing where to go next, it gave me hope.
So today, you'll find a story about launching a new business, written by Fiona from My Daily Business Coach, but it is also about me deciding to call Australia home, deciding to be hopeful when life didn't go to plan and most of all deciding to keep on creating.